Developing a New Future
Self taught Web Developer in Southampton
My live Websites and Projects
Welcome to my portfolio. Here you will find details of my live websites I've created and the projects I have completed. Please use the navbar to view my github repository, CV and feedback from clients.
Your Partnership Diary
In my early days of learning web development I wanted my first website to be truly useful, which led me to approaching a charity called "Hypo Hounds". The charity trains pet dogs to alert their type one diabetic owner or family member of imminent blood sugar changes, to prevent a medical emergency. At the time the CEO, a dear friend of mine, had to manually compare a client's blood glucose diary with the dog's alert diary. The CEO and staff do this to make sure the dog was alerting appropriately and if not, they could see all the data in one place and identify any patterns to then assist the client to get back on track. With my new found confidence with Laravel I created a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application for clients to record all the relevant information required and then stored into a MySql database.
Built and designed with:

Stepping Stones Pre-school second website was created for the pre-school my son attends. The Manager wanted a site that she could have control over enabling her to edit information, photos and current staff as needed. I created a CRUD application for the back-end management and structure so the Manager has easy control of the content of the website. As an added feature I wanted to implement a testimonials page so parents could leave feedback comments about the pre-school.
Built and designed with: